Good afternoon. The crews starting cutting again yesterday around 5:00pm. All the crews are still in Oklahoma and southern Oklahoma continues to be a bit dryer than the north. They guys in El Reno aren’t getting any down time (which is good!! :)) I think the El Reno crew will finish up down there today and possibly move into Kansas later this week. I spoke with Chad for just a bit this morning and he was driving to Thomas, OK to make a couple adjustments on one of the combines for a rental customer. Then, he was going to check on things in El Reno, then head to Okalahoma City and then back to Enid after that. It’s sounds like nothing more than a travel day for him. It’s nice to have some foreman that he can trust so Chad can keep an eye on all the jobs and touch base with all the customers. Guess what? Rain is in the forecast for here in MN tomorrow. Yep, it has to happen on men’s golf league day. Great. We could use a shower and I don’t mind playing golf in the rain! All is good here at home and I’ll keep you posted as we get more acres cut down south. Travis