Good morning. On our way home from western SD we stopped by Pierre to see Chad and the crew he had with him there. He had six combines running there in one field cutting some great wheat. They cut last night until about 11:30 Chad said and the forecast looks good for the day. The views are amazing out there. It’s just an ocean of wheat. Chad showed me a map of the field that they are cutting in now and there’s 28,000 contiguous acres with a combination of wheat and milo. It’s a pretty awesome sight. Ryan finished up in Tribune, KS and is headed to Pierre with two more combines. I just got off the phone with him and he said he just left Tribune about an hour ago. I also just off the phone with Luke and he and his crew are in Wallace, NE. They had a good day of cutting yesterday and he anticipates another good day today. He figures he has two days left there and then should be in Pierre by Sunday. Chad plans on having 15 combines running in Pierre by Sunday or Monday. Have a great morning and I’ll talk to you again soon! Travis